This is a small operation and we don’t have any sponsors. We try to get friends to transport the watches from Sweden to Kenya but still have some expenses for postage and packaging. If you have a newer laptop that you would like to donate? Please get in touch. We do appreciate any additional support besides the actual watches.
Our bracelets

You’ve probably seen Kenyan athletes wearing Kenyan flag bracelets on their wrists. The bracelets are made of small plastic beads twined together by hand. Each bracelet are made up of hundreds of pearls. The bracelets are common in Kenya and you’ll see them being made pretty much all over the place. When I visited Daniel the first time he gave …
WE ARE ONE virtual 5k

We are organizing this virtual run to motivate and connect with other runners during this unprecedented time. We are in a challenging moment but running has given us hope and has kept our dream intact regardless disappointing news each single day. We now decide to run virtual and share with others what we love most.My runners are going through challenging …
Strava club
If you like to follow fellow Connect The Tracks runners please join our Strava club. We´ll post updates about the project and you’ll be able to communicate and gives kudos to all our friends.
Computer to runner
In the autumn of 2019 we did a Facebook fundraising to get Daniel a new computer. The main goal was to get a tool enabling him to keep in touch with the world but primarily to be able to educate and help other runners around Ngong with computer related stuff. Fundraising description: As you know, I have a couple of …
Do you have a unused runners watch?
Asked in a local Swedish small running group if somebody had a spare GPS watch they could donate to some runners I would meet up with in Kenya a couple of weeks later. Within a couple of hours I had six fairly new watches. The watches would get a new and most probably a faster life on the arms of Kenyan …